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Beetle Super Beetle Cabrio 1200 1300 1500 1302 1303
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2 trim ring black , for chrome winder handle ,

Product no.:111837235A
price:5,00 €

available from stock
black plastic trim frame door handle , year 8/1967 - 8/1971 , new NOS genuine

Product no.:111837239B
price:2,00 €

available from stock
brake handle button ivory 1955 - 1961

Product no.:11371133AI
price:8,00 €

available from stock
brake handle button silvergrey original 1961 - 1967

Product no.:11371133AS
price:8,00 €

available from stock
door handle, chrome used , left side 8 /1966 -- 7 / 1970

Product no.:113837019
price:8,00 €

available from stock
2 Repro NEW door grab handles inside black left AND right side year 8 / 1971 - >

Product no.:113867171BAR
Unit:2 pieces
price:8,00 €

available from stock
knob white for hinge rear pop out window

Product no.:361847245
price:12,00 €

available from stock
used door handle inside , chrome used , right side 8 / 1970 - 1974

Product no.:411837072
price:35,00 €

available from stock
interior door handle , 1955- 1963 new reproduction

Product no.:837225A
price:12,00 €

available from stock
trim ring black , for chrome winder handle , genuine

Product no.:837235
price:8,00 €

available from stock
door grab handles inside black left AND right side year 8 / 1971 - > on USED

Product no.:867171BAU
price:10,00 €

available from stock
side panel rear only convertible beetle

Product no.:871197198
price:97,47 €

available from stock
2 buffers for window winder , 1957 - 1967

Product no.:T37
price:5,00 €

available from stock
door handle , chrome with black knob,

Product no.:T38S
price:24,00 €

available from stock
knob button , genuine Germany OE

Product no.:T54K
price:5,00 €

available from stock
10 clips for the door panel, original

Product no.:T5510
Unit:10 pieces
price:5,50 €

available from stock
50 genuine VW rubber seals for the 2 door panel clips ! Very important ! genuine Volkswagen new, for the 2 doors !

Product no.:T56857219A
price:25,00 €

available from stock
door panels and rear panels convertible , 1 set , color black: , without chrome trims ( !!) all years - 1979

Product no.:TUE35blackbeetle
price:203,15 €

available at short notice
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