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Beetle Super Beetle Cabrio 1200 1300 1500 1302 1303
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NOS new old stock , genuine VW spare parts
- Special Offers
bumper rear
bumper front
sticke, pins, repairmanuals
floor board, frame
+Convertible hood parts convertible
seat, seatcover, parts for seats
+moldings , chrome, mirror, scripts
+seals gasket for the whole car
+eletrical parts , headlights , turn signal, ignition
+seats, dashboards, panels
+body parts , rust repairpanels, seals
windshield, windscreen windows,
+technical and mechanical spare parts
 exhaust, fixation kit
 petrol pump
 wheels, hub caps
 +gear box
 rear axle, 1302/1303 and automatic !
 , rear axle, swing axle
 steering 8/1968 ->
 steering, 1955 -> 5/1968
 engine, piston and barellset, cylinderhead
 engine gasket
 Accelerator pedal brake pedal, clutch pedal, and small parts
  fuel system, petrol tank, parts
 tank flap,fuel system,
 carburator, repair sets and selas
 front axle 1302 1303 -> 7/1973
 front axle 1303
 front axle 1948 -> 7/1965
 front axle 8/1965 - >2005 ( not 1302/1303)
 heater, installation kit
technical and mechanical spare parts fuel system, petrol tank, parts
genuine seal under the tank 1952 - 1960

Product no.:111201621
price:10,00 €

available from stock
2 rubber boot for 6mm fuel line

Product no.:111209189A
Unit:2 pieces
price:5,00 €

available from stock
Fuel door spring , trap spring, year 8/1967 -> genuine VW Mexico

Product no.:111809931
price:9,00 €

available from stock
genuine gas cap year 8/1967- 12/1971 NOS spare part genuine OEM !

Product no.:113201551A
price:18,00 €

available from stock
genuine original VW seal under the petrol tank

Product no.:113201621C
price:21,00 €

available from stock
gas tank year for 1303 year 1974-> until now. inlet outside, new, REPRODUCTION in good quality

Product no.:201075133F
price:250,00 €

available from stock
fuel filler cap gas cap 1952 - 1960

Product no.:201551AR
price:35,00 €

available from stock
gas cap with lock year 8/71->

Product no.:201551Habschl
price:25,00 €

available from stock
seal August 1960 - 7 / 1967. Please order 201551

Product no.:201557

not available
seave filter with seals , original producer , Made in GErmany

Product no.:209129139
price:12,00 €

available from stock
seal for fuel tank base

Product no.:209139
price:2,05 €

available from stock
1303 super beetle , tank flap, gas door new NOS

Product no.:809905
price:58,00 €

available from stock
1302 1303 sending unit, tank reproductin . new

Product no.:919051FR
price:55,00 €

available from stock
6 mm , yardware sold by meter, Made in Germany

Product no.:N0203551
price:9,00 €

available from stock
fuel filter

Product no.:nfilter
price:5,00 €

available from stock
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