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Karmann Ghia typ 1 , 1955 - 1974
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Sale Great Deal up to 50 % off !
genuine new l VW spare parts NOS
+body parts , rust repairpanels, seals
+seats, dashboards, panels
+weather stripping, windscreen seals , bonnet seal
+convertible top parts tonneau cover
+moldings , chrome, mirrors, scripts
+electrical , ignition , speedometer
+lights. headlights , rear lights , flasher
windshield, door windows, rear window
windshield wiper, wiper plate,wiper arm
floor board, frame
manuals sticker, pins,
front hood
engine deck , bonnet
wheels, hub caps
front hood
new genuine NOS front year 1955 ---> 1964

Product no.:141823031
price:800,00 €

available from stock
used front year 1964 ---- 1974

Product no.:141823031B
price:80,00 €

available from stock
deck llid guide pin front and rear hood new NOS original VW

Product no.:141823471A
price:5,00 €

available from stock
HOOK for front bonnet lock . NEW . year 1955 -> 1964

Product no.:141823507R
price:2,00 €

available from stock
front bonnet lock lower , NEW NOS , year 1955 ---> 1964

Product no.:141823509NOS
price:168,00 €

available from stock
seal for the front hood , original VW NOS !! it has 2 profiles with curved edges and holes for the water tubes, with talcum powder on it , NOT yardware ! NO !

Product no.:141823705A
price:78,00 €

available from stock
used original bonnet release cable white knob for rear or front hood . used !!

Product no.:141827531A
price:28,00 €

available from stock
original used hand glove box insert made of cardboard and cable and tube and lock and lever. 1967 - 1974 ready to install

Product no.:141857101AD
Unit:set ( 5 pieces )
price:120,00 €

available from stock
used original bonnet release cable white knob for front hood . used !! second choice

Product no.:143823531A
price:15,00 €

available from stock
NOS . lever , made of plastic ,genuine NOS very special for vin # 148...... year july 1967 --- auf 1968

Product no.:151823652
price:78,00 €

available from stock
for RHD cars !! very special for GB , UK , ZA , THAI and AUS . lever , made of metall ( no plastic ) heavy duty ! genuine NOS

Product no.:823652
price:10,00 €

available from stock
,bonnet liner,fits for all years 1960->1974! , for the year 1960-1967 you need to make a few simple adjustment,using a sharp stanley knife ! for the year 1968-1974 you need not ! t... [mehr]

Product no.:F19
price:48,00 €

available from stock
bonnet liner,fits for all years 8/1967->1974! ,

Product no.:F196874
price:48,00 €

available from stock
bonnet release cable, genuine . Made in Germany 1966 - 1974

Product no.:GH6D
price:12,00 €

available from stock
cable tube, white plastic, for release cable , front hood

Product no.:GH6Front
price:30,00 €

available from stock
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