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1500 1600 type 3
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weatherstrip and seals
new NOS flow sleeve for chassis or draintube in the middel of framefork NOS spare part ! year 8/ 1966- 1974

Product no.:111701309
Unit:1 piece
price:5,00 €

available from stock
seal distributor genuine Bosch all years

Product no.:111905261
price:1,00 €

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shift boot for AUTOMATIC 1968 - 1974 genuine OEM

Product no.:113713115
price:24,00 €

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genuine VW NOS seal for torsion arm, lower, 1960 --- 1962 december genuine NOS

Product no.:311405179
price:25,00 €

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genuine VW NOS seal for torsion arm, lower, 1962 december ---> 1964 / 7 , genuine NOS

Product no.:311405179A
price:25,00 €

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lock pillar seal for hood release ) for lever, for notch and fastback, on left door jam NEW NOS genuine

Product no.:311827549
price:15,00 €

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VW 1500 1600 Type 3 ,Year 1961 ------> seal for the windshield, with trim insert groove for ALU chrome trim , and all moulded corners for perfect fit. prime quality

Product no.:311845121
price:98,00 €

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VW 1500 1600 Type 3 FASTBACK seal rear window alle years ----> 1973 seal for the windshield, with trim insert groove for METALL ALU CHROME molding, and all moulde... [mehr]

Product no.:315845521
price:45,00 €

available from stock
VW 1500 1600 Type 3 FASTBACK seal rear window alle years ----> 1973 seal for the windshield, with trim insert groove for plastic chrome molding, and all moulded ... [mehr]

Product no.:315845521C
price:45,00 €

available from stock
VW 1500 1600 Type 3 squareback Variant seal rear window alle years 1961 ----> 1973 seal for the windshield, with trim insert groove for METALL ALU CHROME molding, ... [mehr]

Product no.:361845521Square
price:98,00 €

available from stock
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