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Karmann Ghia T34 typ 3 , razor edge 1961-1969
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NOS New genuine orginal spare parts NOS
floor board, frame
HOT Special Offers
+moldings chrome mirror script
+seats, dashboards, panels
 dashboard, instrument panel fittings
 seals, rubbers, interior
 mirror inside
 seat belt
 seat, seatcover, parts for seats
 carpet, headliner, floor mat
 door panel, rear panel, fixation kits
 trims inside
 steering wheel
+seal weather strip
body, repairpanels
manual , sticker, pins, repairmanuals
hoods , cable for rear and front hood
glas windshield, door window glas, pop out window glas
door seals.
door and equipment
+headllight , rear light , flasher, foglight,
seats, dashboards, panelsashtray,
sunvisor left new NOS year 1961 - 1969 color : WHITE , boxed !

Product no.:341857551
price:280,00 €

available from stock
Karmann Ghia typ 3 ,1 pc left side , sun visor clip left , please paint it by yourself , year 1961 - 1969

Product no.:343857561R
price:2,00 €

available from stock
ash tray ,new , chrome ! Hard to find ,Fits for all years !

Product no.:IN1534
price:98,00 €

available from stock
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